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7. Don't apologise - NEVER come in and immediately start to apologise because you have not had time to learn it etc. 

8. Felling ill - if you have a cough/sore throat tell the prod assistant/ person who is running the auditions asap so they can forewarn the team then carry on as normal.

9.  Variation - if you are auditioning for more than one role, make sure that you show a differentiation between the characters, in your actions, voice etc.

10. Understand if you don't get the role - don’t forget, that even if you do the very best audition ever, there may be many other reasons why you do not get the part – opposite number etc. 

11. Accept parts offered to you - if offered another part, THINK VERY HARD BEFORE TURNING IT DOWN! Many careers have been made on a small but beautifully acted minor role. 

12. Wear the correct clothes - whilst full costume is not necessary, wear suitable shoes or other clothing which shows that you understand the character. For example, don’t wear trainers if you are trying to convey a person who is quite flirty/stylish/ particular about her dress/ looks. HOWEVER if there are dance auditions, make sure you bring suitable shoes for dancing. ( jazz shoes/ trainers etc)

Janet Bishop (aka The Bish), one of the YOBOS committee members and an experienced theatre director, shares with you her top tips when auditioning for a show!


1. Preparation is KEY - learn the words / songs if at all possible, otherwise become very familiar with them and NEVER HOLD YOUR BOOK IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE. (if neccesary, request a music stand to place your script on)

2. Research and develop the character – if you do not know much about the character you are wanting to audition for, look up clips on YouTube etc and work out your own ideas from that. 

3. Move - Think up some simple actions/movement to show that you understand the character, rather than just standing absolutely still. 

4. Arrive early enough to calm and centre yourself  do some deep breathing, which is particularly good for nerves! Also try and do a bit of a vocal warm up and a few relaxing exercises. Feel free to take a drink of water in with your throat feels dry. 

5. Confidence from the start - enter the audition performing area confidently and in character, smile at the production team and imagine they are a full audience! 

6. Plan ahead - think about what you would prefer to start with (scene or song) if given a choice beforehand. If you are more confident with the singing, start with this and then go on to the lib, or the other way round if you are more confident with the lib part of the audition. 

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